Mvci Driver For Toyota Windows 10 64 Bit

I post links for download: Toyota Techstream 10.10.018, drivers MVCIDriverfor.msi Then I will tell you how to install the driver and the program under Windows 7 or 8.1 x64. The instruction can be found on the Internet, but I will write it here. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Techstream on Windows 7, 8.1 – x64 bit. I am trying this on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit. However, when I am running command 'msiexec /a 'C: temp Techstream MVCI Driver for TOYOTA.msi' /qb TARGETDIR=c: temp mvci', AVG software is finding viruses. Is that OK or is the downloaded file infected? Installing Drivers for MVCI TOYOTA Windows 7, 8.1 x64 bit If you bought a cable MINI-VCI J2534 and the drive is not unpacked driver And there is only installer MVCI Driver for TOYOTA.msi that really does not work in any Windows x64 and generates an error, and it must be set, otherwise the cable will not work, and it does not matter. Installing MVCI Driver for TOYOTA: This is the step most people stumble on as “MVCI Driver for TOYOTA.msi” installer indeed does not work on Windows x64. The workaround is to install it manually, as follows: Open the Command Prompt in Administrator Mode, and run the following command line. Mvci Driver For Toyota X64. Xhorse Mvci Driver 64 Bit. Xhorse Mvci Driver Download Windows 10. FYI, Techstream Windows 64 bit is tested by users, not pros working for Techstream and MVCI on 64bit Windows 8.1 & Win 10 works! January 4, 2016 sales Car diagnostic tool 0 Especially download Windows XP system for Techstream interface (suggested by obdexpress technicians), just to shut off the DRL’S. Nov 22, 2016 (Solution) Mini VCI + Toyota TIS Techstream 8.x on Windows.

I bought a cheap Chinese Mini VCI J2534 cable for diagnostics and auto settings. I used it and found that you can do a lot with it through the Toyota Techstream service program.

And here he came to me:

Package includes the drivers for the cable and the program itself-Toyota Techstream with V10.10.018 version.

Cable for diagnosis Mini-VCI J2534

I post links for download: Toyota Techstream 10.10.018 , drivers MVCI_Driver_for.msi
Then I will tell you how to install the driver and the program under Windows 7 or 8.1 x64.
The instruction can be found on the Internet , but I will write it here.

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Techstream on Windows 7, 8.1 – x64 bit

If you bought the MINI VCI J2534 cable and there is no unpacked driver on the disk, and there is only the MVCI Driver for TOYOTA.msi installer that does not really work when installed on any Windows x64 and gives an error, and it must be installed, otherwise the sw will not work, and it does not matter. This problem can be solved by installing the MVCI Driver for TOYOTA.msi manually as follows:
1. Create a folder on drive C: Temp
2. Copy to our C: Temp folder our MVCI Driver for TOYOTA.msi file
3. With Administrator rights open and run the following command:
msiexec / a “C: temp MVCI Driver for TOYOTA.msi” / qb TARGETDIR = c: temp mvci
this command will extract all content from the MSI file to the C: Temp mvci folder
4. We delete the file MVCI Driver for TOYOTA.msi from the folder C: Temp mvci, it is no longer needed, we can also remove it from the folder C: Temp
5. We go in C: Program Files (x86) and create there folder XHorse Electronics and in it one more MVCI Driver for TOYOTA TIS and move there all the contents from the folder C: Temp mvci
6. Connect the MINI VCI cable to the USB port.
IMPORTANT: When the automatic driver installation process starts, it must be canceled and the device will not be detected.
7. Open the Device Manager and locate the two faulty devices in the list. They will have a yellow icon indicating that Windows could not install the drivers for them. Now right click on the faulty device, select “Update Driver”, then “search on this computer” next “Browse my computer” … and specify the path to “C: Program Files (x86) XHorse Electronics MVCI Driver for TOYOTA TIS “(” include subfolders “check box). Click the “Next” button and wait for the drivers to be installed.
Now you should see two new devices: “Controllers USB USB Serial Converter” and “Ports (COM & LPT) USB Serial Port (COM —)”. Where instead of a line will be your figure COM port.
8. Next, go to the path “C: Program Files (x86) XHorse Electronics MVCI Driver for TOYOTA TIS” and run the file “FirmwareUpdateTool.exe”.
In the opened program, click the “Device Info” button. You should see the “connected device” graph filled.

If you see this, then your MINI VCI works under a 64-bit version of Windows and can be used by other programs, such as Techstream.

There is a connection with the cable!

9. Now install Techstream using the software “Techstream.exe” of any version. after installation do not run it yet.
10. To activate it, you need to change the TISFunction = 1 line in the C: Program Files Toyota Diagnostics Techstream Env IT3System.ini file and change it to “0” and save the file.

Now you need to make the program see the cable
So that Techstream sees MINI-VCI under Windows x64, the Registry should be changed like this:

1. Open the Windows Registry Editor, on Windows 8.1 x64, the path is:
But there must definitely be a folder PassThruSupport.04.04 and it has a subfolder (I have DENSO CORPORATION – TIS Techstream VIM) it should have the following parameters
: “Name” = “XHorse – MVCI”
“Vendor” = “XHorse ELECTRONICS Co., Ltd.”
“ConfigApplication” = “C: Program Files (x86) XHorse Electronics MVCI Driver for TOYOTA TIS FirmwareUpdateTool.exe”
“FunctionLibrary” = “C: Program Files (x86) XHorse Electronics MVCI Driver for TOYOTA TIS MVCI32.dll ”
” APIVersion “=” 04.04 ”
” ProductVersion “=” 1.1.0 ”

“J1850VPW” = dword: 00000001
“J1850PWM” = dword: 00000001
“ISO9141” = dword: 00000001
“ISO14230” = dword: 00000001
“CAN” = dword: 00000001
“ISO15765” = dword: 00000001
“SCI_A_ENGINE” = dword: 00000000
” SCI_A_TRANS “= dword: 00000000
” SCI_B_ENGINE “= dword: 00000000
” SCI_B_TRANS “= dword: 00000000

Also there is a section
“Baudrate” = dword: 0001c200
“Comport” = dword: 00000005
“Connect” = dword: 00000000
“Interface” = “AUTOMATIC”
” Firmware “=” x ”
” LE “= dword: 00000000
” LN “= dword: 00000001
” SN “= dword: 00000000

But you can manually do nothing, but simply make changes to the registry by downloading and running this file .

2. Launch Techstream. Go to Setup | VIM select will open the menu in it should be “XHorse-MVCI”
3. Connect the MVCI cable to the USB interface, start the program, then click “Connect to Vehicle” in Toyota Techstream. If everything works, you will be asked to confirm the car / year / model, and if you connect to the car and start it, you will get access to the diagnostic interface.

The first thing to do was to turn off the orange American DRLs. other features stay tuned!

Related posts:

In this article, UOBD2 share the newest & tested Toyota TIS Techstream V15.00.026, V14.30.023, V14.20.019, V14.10.028 , V14.00.018, V13.00.022, V13.30.018 etc, and win7 installation guide.

Latest Toyota TIS Techstream Software Download(Keep updating):

In this article:


Toyota TIS Techstream v15.00.026 free download:

Techstream 14.30.023 (11/2019):

After installing the program to request keys enter your ID to:

0. Toyota TIS Techstream V14.20.019 (07/2019)

Free source:

After installing the program to request keys enter your ID in the thread to have the keys.

Windows 10 64-bit Iso


B. Crack and working source:

Date: 07/2019

  • Crack
  • It works (do a fresh install and you will not have any problems)- Tested Working 100% OK by engineer.
  • WIN7 32bit OK (Try WIN10 at your own risk one user feedback yes)
  • Language: English (United States), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish.

Techstream V14.20.019 Active: simple to change techstream bin.exe name

Techstream V14.20.019 win7 installation and test Toyota Yaris successfully.

1. Install Techstream GTS 14.20.019 NDSI
2. Install MVCI Driver for Toyota Cable 2.0.1
3. Active simply.
4. Diagnose Toyota Yaris successfully running with Xhorse MINI VCI firmware 1.4.1.

2. Toyota TIS Techstream V14.10.028 download and install

Free source:!XAwR0aiA!tWtAydTcvWWV2ouK7BDttop-94kaqVnyEIsaF0CWiEg
Active: send the ID toour friend Autokent (

Toyota Techstream 14.10.028 win7 installation and crack

Video by enginner (simple to active by yourself)

1.Copy “Techstream_SetupNA_V14.10.028” and paste it to the desktop.

2.Open “Techstream_SetupNA_V14.10.028” to setup, just click on “Next” until finish.

3.Click on “MVCI Driver for Toyota_Cable 2.0.1” to setup Mini VCI driver for Toyota TIS.

4.Open “Techstream” on the desktop.

Click on”Yes”.

5.Toyota Techstream 14.10.028 requires to register.

Click on “Cancel” (no need key but easily crack…)

6.Click on “Setup” and click on “VIM select”, then select “Xhorse MVCI”.

7.Exit Techstream to crack Techstream 14.10.028.

8.The way to crack Techstream 14.10.028:

Right click on “Techstream” on the desktop, select “Shortcut”.

At the same time open “Read me” to copy “Techstream.exe”/395070/VM:1 ” and to replace “MainMenu.exe”

Click on “Apply” then “Continue”.

9.Driver installation completely.

Plug Mini VCI cable to the computer.

10.Open “MVCI Firmware”, click on “Device Info”

Firmware: 1.4.1


11.Open “Techstream” on the desktop.

12.Plug Mini VCI cable to the Toyota and the computer, then it will automatically read out the Toyota information (Toyota Yaris 2007).

13.Select “Engine and ECT” to continue.

14.Here trouble codes list

Go on enjoying Toyota Techstream 14.10.028.

Software Release Notes Version 14.10.028 Software Last Updated: 4/24/2019:

2019 and Earlier Model Years
All Models are currently supported

2020 Vehicle Coverage
’20MY Lexus
GS300/350/GS F
’20MY Toyota
Land Cruiser 200
Yaris Sedan/R

3. Toyota Techstream V14.00.018 free download:!SAR3Qa7B!N61Ikd1HKEodTiwpODLXKQ

Then download TechstreamPatch:!7VZzBQgZ!wO9Fjk0gfZF-tfv6zQAqzw

Guide: run Toyota Launcher.exe to start software, Support 13.30.018, 14.00.018. No need to send ID to the dealer for the key.

Password: No need

Active: No need, if you install the above patch file

Covers Toyota Lexus 2019 year

Workable Toyota Lexus diagnostic interface: for VXDIAG VCX NANO for TOYOTA TIS (Wifi version and USB Version) ; Mini VCI single cable.

4. Toyota TIS Techstream v13.00.022 Free Download:!rvIFVI4B!6GM0LSEd7ioUcQzM7-1KMPov9CRTeuXp4rCWdvdA5vM
Date: 02/2018
Password: not required

Source: from forum

♥ Toyota TIS Techstream v13.00.022 Installation Video Guide:

Toyota TIS Techstream Customers Successful Cases


Windows 10 Download

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